
UI Libraries and Resources for Sparking Joy

July 26th, 2024

css, tailwind, react, framer-motion

UI Design

An evergrowing collection of UI libraries I've found useful for creating magical interactions.

Especially useful for those animations that take the user experience to the next level. Who doesn't love to spark joy?

They all follow common conventions: TailwindCSS, Framer Motion and React. Same style as shadcn/ui: copy the source code and paste it in your project.


Design Inspiration





Magic is not always about the UI. Sometimes it's about the code too!

So I'm going to add some libraries that can help write better code as well.

State Management

  • nuqs: delightful, hook-based, type-safe state manager for query parameters.
  • jotai: primitive and flexible state management for React. My preferred approach when it comes to global state.