
Take breaks

October 1st, 2024


🌿 Taking breaks: the productivity secret that many ignore

"When you work, work hard. When you're done, be done." - Cal Newport

This powerful quote reminds us of a crucial truth: rest is just as important as work.

Want to boost your productivity and well-being? Consider:

  1. Intense focus: When you work, give it your all. Eliminate distractions and dive deep.
  2. True disconnection: When you're done, truly disconnect. No emails or Slack outside of work hours.
  3. Active recovery: Use your free time to recharge. Hobbies, exercise, or simply relaxing are investments in yourself.
  4. Clear boundaries: Set work hours and stick to them. Your mind and body will thank you.
  5. Quality > Quantity: Constant overtime doesn't mean more productivity. Focus and rest do.

Remember: You are not a machine. Breaks are not a luxury, they are a necessity.

Take breaks. When you're done with work, be done.
Take breaks. When you're done with work, be done.